
Reasons to buy PodCut™ products on GourmetKava.cz

  • We can deliver the goods PodCut™, which is in stock, the next day after ordering!
  • Shops in Prague and collection points throughout the whole European Union.
  • We have a wide range of coffee and tea products, as well as quality selected coffee .
  • Need more advice on PodCut™ products? Our customer support is here for you.

PodCut™ Capsule Opener

The PodCut™ capsule opener from the original Nespresso ® line of coffee machines makes it easy to recycle coffee capsules, thereby helping to protect the environment.

In stock
Price €7.90

The PodCut™ capsule opener from the original Nespresso ® line of coffee machines makes it easy to recycle coffee capsules, thereby helping to protect the environment.