Coffee with rum and its preparation

Coffee with rum and its preparation

Historical sources, however, most often mention the so-called Pharisee coffee, which is mentioned in the 19th century. A German farmer is said to have offered one of his guests a coffee with rum topped with thick whipped cream to cover the typical rum flavour as part of the celebration of his child's baptism.

It was not desirable for the alcohol content of the coffee to be noticed by the parish priest. He understandably saw the rum as a tool of the devil himself. Coffee and rum found its fans in any case, and in the classic sense it retained its whipped cream cap.

According to other sources, however, coffee with rum has its origins in Cuba when the island was a Spanish colony. Soldiers there are said to have added rum to their coffee to give them courage. Even when they served it, the coffee was accompanied by whipped cream, but there was also cinnamon and orange peel.

Making coffee with rum

You will need:

  • a cup of strong coffee, ideally espresso, but it can be filter coffee as well
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, preferably cane sugar
  • 50 ml dark rum
  • whipping cream
  • powdered cocoa powder for sprinkling, or spices to taste

How to make it:

  • Place the sugar in a cup (ideally pre-heated) and pour the rum over it
  • Now pour in the hot coffee
  • Add whipped cream on top, which can be sprinkled with cocoa powder or cinnamon to taste
  • Serve immediately so the whipped cream doesn't "fall off"


According to tradition, you should not stir this coffee before drinking. Legend has it that whoever stirs the coffee with rum will pay the next round.

Good advice

Coffee with rum is best enjoyed after a meal and, as it has a great warming effect, will be a popular drink in the autumn blizzards and during the long winter evenings.

Anyway, one cup of coffee should be enough for you, both in terms of caffeine and alcohol content. Ignore the fact that you will hardly feel the effects of alcohol on you. Caffeine tends to mask the effects of alcohol, but that doesn't mean it eliminates them. This is why warnings against mixed drinks where caffeinated beverage meets alcohol are so common. They pose a big risk of drinking more than usual because you won't feel the classic effects of alcohol on you.

A cup of aromatic coffee with a splash of good quality rum shouldn't put a healthy person at risk.